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发表于 26-2-2014 00:08:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Nowadays many old cities are rebuilt and redesigned in order to make them look modern. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice.

Currently, high percentages of old cities are facing a controversial issue, namely whether they should be redesigned or rebuilt to gain a modern outlook.

It seems that this trend could benefit those cities in terms of simulating economy growth. Since many of those cities were designed and constructed hundreds or even thousands of years ago, the original municipal facilities could hardly meet the needs of modern societies. For instance, Athens, the capital city of Greece, could not sustain the ever increasing population if it were not redesigned and complemented with new residential and business buildings. So actually, the reconstruction process has inspired those historical cities to evolve according to the social requirements. Moreover, the new architectures could become additional landscapes provided that they are well designed with modern artistic attitudes.

However, it would also bring in disadvantages along with the rebuild process. One of the biggest concerns is that it is very likely to destroy historical architectures, which are valuable cultural heritages inherited from ancestors of human being many centuries ago. For instance, it has been blamed that Beijing’s development model ignored the significances of preserving historical avenues and houses. Additionally, it could normally involve severe damages to the natural environment during the reconstruction period.

In conclusion, I tend to believe that it is inevitable to keep those old cities intact while trying to fulfill the increasing demands of our society. To balance the need of development and preserving ancient treasures, governments have to legislate regulations and rules to guide the whole society. Only when we realize this balance, can we truly enjoy the advantages of rebuilding those old cities.

(270 words)

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