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[language study] 初级英语小故事 了解澳洲生活 - Spooking The Cows 大量澳本土常用口语词汇

发表于 7-12-2010 21:24:43 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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初级英语小故事 - 了解澳洲生活

  Off the track

Frank, Karen and the boys drove down the country road and stopped at a picnic area in the bush.

‘Can we play soccer, Mum?’ Tim asked.
‘Sure. I’ll sit and read my book,’ replied their mother.

‘I’m going for a walk in the bush,’ Frank said. ‘I’ll be back about one o’clock for lunch.’


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joshzhuang + 10 mark!持续关注
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bfy2012 + 50 精品!谢谢分享!顶!
smile_berry + 50 谢谢楼主,能否继续啊?很喜欢!
distantmusic + 40 This is really good. Please continue.



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 楼主| 发表于 7-12-2010 21:32:27 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 7-12-2010 21:40:19 | 显示全部楼层
‘Come on boys. Time for lunch,’ called Karen.
‘Where’s dad?’ Tim asked. ‘I’m hungry.’
‘He said he’d be here for lunch. I hope he’s not lost,’ said Matthew. ‘Let’s walk along the track and find him.’

‘Cooee … cooee … cooee,’ Karen and the boys shouted as they walked.

‘Listen. I can hear someone calling cooee. It might be Dad,’ Matthew said. They stopped and listened.

‘Cooee … cooee … cooee.’
‘The sound is over there,’ Tim said.
‘Mum, look. There’s a lyrebird,’ said Matthew. It was singing.

‘Cooee … cooee … cooee,’ it called. They followed the lyrebird. It ran in front of them.
Karen and the boys called cooee again.

‘Karen … Matthew … Tim … I’m over here,’ shouted Frank. The boys ran to him.

‘My leg hurts,’ he said. ‘Can you help me stand up, please?’

‘Thank goodness we found you,’ Matthew said. ‘We thought you were calling cooee. Then we saw the lyrebird. It sounded just like you! It helped us find you.’

‘Next time I think I’ll go fishing!’ Frank said.


你知道吗?大多数澳大利亚人喜欢笑鸟 kookaburra,笑鸟在布里斯班不少,我常常会听见也会在院子里看见。 
其鸣叫的声音被澳大利亚人看作 像人笑的声音
所以, 你可以与邻居找话题聊开了


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 楼主| 发表于 8-12-2010 10:23:43 | 显示全部楼层
Cooee! (ku:'i
is a shout used in Australia, usually in the Bush, to attract attention, find missing people, or indicate one's own location. When done correctly - loudly and shrilly - a call of "cooee" can carry over a considerable distance.

万一你迷路在 bush 里了,
记得大喊   ---- ------ ---------- ---- Cooee ... cooee ... cooee /ku:i:/

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 27-12-2012 11:02 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 8-12-2010 12:53:16 | 显示全部楼层
The same seat

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 楼主| 发表于 8-12-2010 13:00:35 | 显示全部楼层
Every day was same for Heidi. She went to work at the same time each day. She did the same work each day. She went home on the same bus each day.

Heidi lived in Sydney in a one-bedroom flat near the beach. She used to live in Perth. She loved Perth but her new job was in Sydney. She missed her family and friends a lot.


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 楼主| 发表于 8-12-2010 13:05:33 | 显示全部楼层
Heidi looked through the security hole. She could see a woman. She looked worried. Heidi opened the door.

‘Hello,’ said the woman. ‘I’m sorry to bother you. I’m Jess from the flat next door. I’ve locked my keys in my flat. Could I please use your phone to ring my brother? He’s got a spare key.’

‘Of course. Please come in. The phone’s over there. My name’s Heidi, by the way.’

‘Nice to meet you, Heidi.’
Jess rang her brother.
‘He’ll be here soon. He lives near here,’ she said. ‘Have you been here long?’

‘No, I moved from Perth about four weeks ago,’ Heidi said. ‘Would you like a cup of coffee?’
‘Yes. That’d be lovely,’ said Jess.

Heidi went into her tiny kitchen and turned on the kettle. She felt so pleased to have a visitor. She put two coffee mugs, sugar and milk on a tray. When the coffee was ready, she carried the tray into the living room.


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 楼主| 发表于 8-12-2010 13:32:08 | 显示全部楼层

当你想求不熟的人帮忙什么的时候,可以说 -- -- I'm sorry to bother you ... Sorry for interrupting ...

初到工作岗位,问人信息,多用一些语言委婉和礼貌词比较好 -- --    Would you please ... Could you tell me ... Would you mind  ...
对不熟悉的人用    I want ...     语气太强不会是有效的沟通

聊天的话题 -- -- How long have you been ... Have you been here long ...
邀请和被邀请对答 -- --  Would you like a cup of tea/coffee?     Yes, That'd be lovely.

  Happy reading Have fun   

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 8-12-2010 14:34 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 9-12-2010 07:11:24 | 显示全部楼层
Snow trip

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 楼主| 发表于 9-12-2010 07:20:39 | 显示全部楼层
Hal and Rima are driving to the snow for a week’s holiday. They are meeting their friends, David and Zoe, there. Rima is very excited. It’s her first trip to the snow. There’s snow everywhere. It looks so white and soft.

After a while, they stop at a huge carpark. They get their backpacks out of the car and take their skis off the roof. It’s very cold. Then they wait at the train terminal. Soon they are on the ski tube. It doesn’t take long to get to the ski resort. They find their lodge. David and Zoe are already there.

On the first morning, Hal and Rima get up and have breakfast early. Then they go to their ski lessons. Hal’s in the advanced class. He learned to ski in Sweden. Rima’s in the beginners class. After lunch, Rima practises her skiing. She falls over a lot but she has fun. All afternoon, Hal catches the ski lift up the mountain and skis down. By the end of the day, they are both very tired.

That night they have dinner with David and Zoe at the lodge. At about ten o’clock, Hal’s mobile phone rings.

‘Gee … who’d want to call me now?’ he says to the others. He gets his mobile phone from the pocket of his jacket.

‘Hello,’ he says.
‘Hello, Hal. It’s Tor. Mum’s had a fall. She’s in St Mary’s hospital. We think she’s broken her leg. Can you come home tomorrow?’

‘Oh no! That’s terrible. Poor Mum,’ Hal says. ‘Of course we’ll come home. We’ll be there tomorrow afternoon.’

‘How was the skiing today?’ Tor asks.
‘Wonderful. The snow was great,’ Hal replies. ‘See you tomorrow, Tor. Give my love to Mum.’


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 楼主| 发表于 9-12-2010 07:24:16 | 显示全部楼层
Hal tells Rima that his mother is in hospital. They say goodbye to David and Zoe. They go to their room and pack up. They want to leave early in the morning. It’s a long drive back home.

The next morning, they catch the ski tube back to the carpark. They drive down the mountain. There’s snow on the edges of the road and on the treetops. Hal’s quiet. He’s worried about his mother.

‘Hal, look at the ice on the lake,’ Rima says. ‘It looks so cold out there.’ Hal looks.

‘Wow! I’ve got to take a photo of that,’ he says. He stops the car at the side of the road. He gets out and takes some photos.

‘Harry up, Hal’ Rima calls. ‘We have to go. It’s getting late.’

Hal gets back in the car. He starts the engine and drives down the mountain.

‘Hal, please don’t go so fast around the bends. There’s black ice on the road,’ Rima tells him.

Hal breaks but it’s too late. He skids across the road. The car hits a tree.

Luckily, there’s a car driving behind Hal and Rima.

‘Stop the car, Sanjay,’ the woman says. They get out of their car and run over to help Hal and Rima.

‘Ring the police and ambulance,’ the woman tells her husband.

The police and ambulance don’t take long to come.

‘I think you’ve broken your leg, mate. And your wife should have her ribs X-rayed. We’ll get a helicopter to take you to St Mary’s, the ambulance driver says to Hal.

Hal and Rima are airlifted to Sydney.

‘Well, I didn’t think we’d be visiting Mum like this!’ Hal says to Rima.



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 楼主| 发表于 9-12-2010 07:26:38 | 显示全部楼层
ski resort,  a village where people go for skiing holidays
ski tube,  a train that takes you to the ski resort
ski lift,  a machine that carries skiers to the top of a slope
skis,  long pieces of wood, metal or plastic you wear on special boots
lodge,  a place where you stay in a ski resort
backpack,  a bag that you carry on your back

What is the Skitube?
The Skitube is a Swiss designed, primarily Australian built electric powered cog / rack driven railway system, operating 18kms south-west of Jindabyne within the Kosciuszko National Park - New South Wales’ largest national park and Australia's greatest alpine reserve - in Australia's Snowy Mountains. It provides access between the Alpine Way and Perisher Valley by way of a tunnel through the Ramshead Range to the Perisher Blue Ski Resort, stopping at the underground station in Perisher Valley. It then proceeds onwards to the resort of Blue Cow Mountain via another tunnel through the Perisher Range.
Primarily, the Skitube was designed as a winter based access system to improve entry to the Perisher skifields. Until then these fields were served by a single road of limited capacity that was, and still is, often adversely affected by snow and ice conditions during the winter months. It was also deemed to be the most efficient and environmentally acceptable alternative available. When it was decided to go ahead with the development of Blue Cow Mountain in 1984, Skitube was the most practical option for providing access to the resort and so Skitube was extended from Perisher to Blue Cow Mountain.

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 27-12-2012 11:05 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 11-12-2010 11:46:35 | 显示全部楼层
Market day

Every Saturday morning Anna, Tom and their children go to the market. They buy their vegetables, fruit and fish there.

Anna makes a shopping list and puts it in her bag. She gets in the car. Suzie is in the back seat. She loves the markets. Tom is standing by the car. They are all waiting for Nick.
‘I wish he’d hurry,’ Anna says to Suzie. ‘If we don’t get to the market soon, we’ll miss out on the best fish.’
‘Hurry up, Nick,’ calls Tom. ‘We’re going now.’
As usual, Nick isn’t ready.
‘I can’t find my shoes. Dad, have you seen them?’ Nick shouts.
‘Yes, they’re by the front door. Come on, Nick,’ Tom replies. Nick picks up his shoes and runs to the car.
‘Have you locked the door?’ asks Anna.
‘Yes, Mum,’ answers Nick.
Anna starts the car. It makes a funny noise. She tries again.
‘Was the car OK when you drove home yesterday, Tom?’ Anna asks.
‘Yes, but I think it’s got a flat battery,’ Tom says. ‘I’ll call someone to come and fix it. You walk to the market. I’ll see you there.’
‘OK,’ Anna says. ‘Come on Suzie, Nick.’
‘Hang on. I have to tie my shoelaces,’ Nick says.


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 楼主| 发表于 27-12-2012 10:13:29 | 显示全部楼层
Spooking the Cows


最近去 country 俺就真做 spooking the cows 的事了


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 楼主| 发表于 27-12-2012 10:57:34 | 显示全部楼层
此小说同时配带 CD 音频
可去各州市的图书馆借阅 或者 与馆员预定

小说名字下就是作者名,感兴趣的话可以 google 进一步阅读


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 楼主| 发表于 27-12-2012 11:15:29 | 显示全部楼层

Dear Diary


Period One / Session One / Third Period 第几节课的说法
Form /  Homeroom / House 相似于 ‘班级’会冠以学校历史中重要人物的名字
Assembly / year assembly 例行的开会
timetable 学校里就是指 ‘课程表’
workbook 可以是教材,可以是笔记本等
handout, booklet, worksheets 通常都是指教师发下来的学习资料


[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 28-12-2012 11:49 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 27-12-2012 12:11:29 | 显示全部楼层
Page 5 to 8

1. a fan of Jerry Garcia, The Grateful Dead
2. a river snag of tree &/or log &/or large flotsam
3. a useless person on staff
4. verb & noun,  a toll vehicle(taxi, bus, train, truck(lorry/semi) travelling empty

All they do is stuff around ... -------- stuff about / doing nothing
Macca crashed down beside me ---------- 男生不知轻重的地猛地坐下来
See the babe with the wedgie up her butt --------- 女生穿衣太紧臀形暴露

This is the same slow learner .. ----- 学习上苯,悟性差
(国人以谦虚为美,澳人反之。尤其是找工时绝不用说自己苯,即使没有那个特定的工作经验,可以说自己是 quick learner  /
clumsy --------是指动作上的,不是头脑上的 )

I didn't blast him ..-------- to shout at him, to shame him
I must beat Emily at everything ----------- to win ..

She thinks she is just it! ------- she thinks she is SOMEBODY (important, good at everything )
Whatssup / whazzup / whassup / whasabi ------------ what's up = how things are going 当做问候语是就是等于 Hi

I hate it when olds try to act cool ----------- 指成年人说话中使用 青少年语言

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 28-12-2012 11:50 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 28-12-2012 10:37:08 | 显示全部楼层
Page 9, 10

My skirt is too long. I sucked up to Mum, but she wouldn't listen.  -- 类似央求妈妈为她做。。
Suck it up - To cope with something unpleasant without complaining--usually because you have no choice.

Looking like I belong in a freak show  -  类似小丑表演
if female ferrets don't mate they get anaemic and die - Australian slang term for genitalia

She Artlined CA 4 SJJ all over Sam's workbook. a pen brand of Australian // CA SJJ 名字首字母 // 4 = for

She's got the hots for Stephen -------- to have feelings for someone
Heaps more happened --------- colloquial (generally Australian) word meaning "alot".

You learn weird crap in Health Ed (education 的简写) ----------- shit, poo, poop, anything relating to feces. Less offensive than shit, more offensive than poop

'cause --------- slang for 'because' or someone is too lazy to write because
reckon --------
to guess or suppose
to believe
to judge or consider
to think

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 28-12-2012 11:52 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 3-1-2013 18:39:01 | 显示全部楼层



[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 4-1-2013 11:42 编辑 ]

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